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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ৯ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫


WARPO maintaining a well organized rich Library stuffed with various categories of water-sector study reports as well as those relevant to other allied sectors like agriculture, land, fisheries, environment, climate change, flood, river-bank erosion, coastal zone, public health, water and sanitation etc. Library authority always updating the collections with national and international important publications. Library also have a rare and good collections of previous research or study reports as IECHO, Engineering & Planning consultant (EPC) repots, Master Plan Organization (MPO) reports, National Water Plan (NWP) Phase i & ii, Flood Action Plan (FAP), EPWAPDA study reports, Cruge Mission reports. Being web-enable and serving as an easy searching computerized cataloguing system, the library is regularly updated. WARPO authority & its staff are always relentless in enriching the library as a valuable water sector information resource center to serve multi-sector planners, professionals, academicians and practitioners.


 Library Catalog

Library Membership

To be able to loan our library collections, you must first become library member. There is terms and conditions that you must obey.

Internal (WARPO) Users:

  • Library is open for all internal users (WARPO Professionals) at every working days from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm
  • Internal users are eligible to issue/ borrow any information, books, reports, journals from library for maximum 30 days. If they require more times they have to re-issue the materials again from library authorities.
  • WARPO Professionals have to take clearance from library authorities before they leave WARPO as a professional.

For External Users:

  • Library is open for all external users at every working days from 9.15am to 3.45pm
  • External users need to introduce themselves to the library authority or take a letter from their respective organizations/institutes. They also need to take special permissions from library authority to use the library.
  • External users can use the library materials (Books, Reports, journals etc.) but they are not allowed to borrow any library materials. They can make photocopy library materials through library staff.

Contact Information

Nazmun Nahar Chowdhury


Address : WARPO Bhaban , 4th Floor 
Phone Number : (02) 44819027 
E-mail : lib@warpo.gov.bd

Opening Hours

Sunday - Thursday :  
Open : 09.10 AM
Break : 1.00 - 1.30 PM
Close : 5.00 PM 


Friday, Saturday  
and Othes Govt. Holiday